Saturday, April 29, 2006

Real - ity

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Monday, April 24, 2006


¡Son esos pequeños detalles los que hacen la GRAN diferencia!
El objetivo es encontrar y decifrar aquellas pistas inconscientes (hacerlas conscientes), para así encontrar nuevas soluciones a los problemas. Ayudar a pensar el mismo problema de diferente manera aplicando nuevas soluciones. Muchas veces nos quedamos atorados en un mismo dilema por días, meses, incluso años, ya que intentamos resolverlo de una misma manera u otras similares, cuando existen infinitas posibilidades. Nos cerramos en un círculo vicioso donde el mismo patrón monótono nos impide ver otras salidas. Nosotros mismos nos traicionamos y cerramos las puertas.
Hay que ver que todo lo que no se ha hecho ni dicho se encuentra en algún lugar de la estructura psíquica , pero no se ha logrado ver.
Recordar que en el inconsciente no hay tiempo y que hay muchos recuerdos que siguen afectando el presente.
Ser capaz de resolver la vida con las propias herramientas y capacidades.
FGMTA, 2006

Monday, April 3, 2006

Do we have to?

Thoughts fly inside my head, questions, doubts, and no answers fly in return.
Sometimes we live life as it HAS TO BE, but, does it HAS TO BE? Or it just IS?
When someone dies, you HAVE TO CRY.
When someone dies, you HAVE TO CRY?

Who the hell says so?!?!?
People are losing their real identity, their real SELF, and start living some other’s ideal of life. By saying this, we can affirm that society has a great impact on us, and no one can deny it. People are preoccupied of: “what is the other going to say about ME, about what I decide”. Identity is fading out, egocentrism, selfishness are the fashion words, leaving behind the real SELF. Where the hell are our emotions? Where the hell are our feelings? We have the power (and capacity) of deciding, of feeling what we want to in a determinate time or situation, but society has imposed a way of living (when someone dies, you HAVE TO cry), and I dare to say, of feeling!
Are we acting out? Is this world kind of a film or movie where we play both roles: spectator and actor/actress at the same time? If so, who is the director? Are we also? Are we pretending to be someone else, so some other can buy our fake mascara? The world is becoming a personality’s market: who offers the best face, is the most valued. By saying this we can conclude that a valuable thing is to be someone else, to be fake, shallow, cold, and with no true feelings (of those that come from the deepest side of us).
Honesty? Congruency? Love? The hell no!
Cheers for that!


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