Friday, April 6, 2007

Slave of the routine . .

A hoax this has been. Cheating on myself a long time ago.

I've been a slave of the routine, and it feels like a fingernail running down a chalkboard.

I was blind, or maybe I didn't want to see, because fear is a demon that turns your mind blind and your heart like an iceberg; bertaying yourself, acting against you...

I've been carriyng a bag full of anger and cans labeld as: "C O N F U S I O N".
I'm trapped in a maze like a mouse used for a psychological experiment.

It has been so heavy, than now my shoulders feel as if i had been lugging a high school back pack. I'm tired, exhausted, fearful, sad, desperate, anxious, upset. . . sometimes I just want to cry, and S C R E A M with all my strength, telling how much I love you and how much you are my reason for living, that I'm so angry to be in this stage, separated...but knowing that it is for the best. . .

Re-birth has come again, and this particular game I do not know how to play . . . where are the instructions? The rules? How am I supposed to know how to play the cards without you here. . . . . You have been my companion and the most faithful witness of every movement I made.

I'm scared, for sure I am. The path I was following suddenly became so blurry I am almost falling with every step I take. I miss you and I n e e d you, but at the same time, this is for the best, in the name of our dreams and plans we had gathered together like leaves on autumn.

So insecure I feel, I'm naked, vulnerable, cold and alone...and yet, you are always here in my mind...telling me to be strong...'cause this is for the best, RIGHT? . . . . . . Yes, I guess it is.

F r AG. . .

1 comment:

Rodrigo said...

A veces la mejor manera para "escapar" de la asfixiante e irremediable rutina que tarde o temprano nos absorbe es una perturbacion de los sentidos...cualquier sentido...
Un nuevo sabor, una fresca fragancia, un paisaje diferente (y todo lo que eso implica), el viento en la cara, un libro radical, espectacular, absorbente....cualquier cosa que nos mueva...que nos cambie de direccion...o que sencillamente nos sacuda el polvo que irremediablemente se acumula en nuestros sentidos y emociones...

Muchos saludos (y sigue escribiendo...)